Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments

Homeopathic remedies are normally given as small sugar pills, so are very easy for children and adults to take. Sometimes they are made as a liquid to drop in the mouth or even a spray.

Patients would normally see a homeopath monthly, to allow the body time to heal. Homeopathic remedies can safely be used alongside regular medicines.

Because they are safe and gentle enough to be used on anybody, and animals!

Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments

I’m your local homeopath and holistic practitioner in Croydon

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe, effective holistic form of alternative medicine dating back more than 200 years. It helps to support the body’s own healing processes by stimulating the body’s ‘Vital force’. It ‘speaks’ to the body on an energetic level and is individualised to each patient. The main principle of homeopathy is ‘like cures like’.

What conditions can Homeopathy help with?

It can help with a vast array of conditions including the following:

Teething, colic, bedwetting, chickenpox, cradle cap,
Eczema, psoriasis, dry skin conditions etc.
Hayfever, hives, Back pain, arthritis, fatigue,
Digestive problems, IBS, colitis.
Stress, anxiety, depression, PND, insomnia.
Cystitis, PMT, painful periods, migraines, menopausal symptoms.
PCOS, pregnancy and birth issues.
Men’s health issues and more.

Bach Flower Remedies.

What are Bach flower homeopathic remedies?

Dr Edward Bach believed that disharmony between the physical body and the mind was the cause of illness. He used active flower, plant and tree essences to heal certain conditions.

The remedies are normally given as a liquid form in a dropper bottle for ease of administration. They have a different energy to homeopathic remedies and can work beautifully together to bring about a gentle healing process for the patient. They can be used topically, directly on the tongue or added to any drink.

What can Bach Flower homeopathic remedies help with?

These homeopathic remedies are good for mental/emotional issues which can often be the cause of physical problems. The patient’s current state of mind is key, as well as how they feel when suffering from illness. Because their overall personality is also taken into account.

Homeopathic Remedies for Family value service

Would you like to have a homeopathic remedies text support service for only £5 per month?

Buy the Helios 18 remedy blue kit for £35, and I can then provide you with a text support service for minor ailments for the whole family!

Imagine the scenario… It’s late at night and your little one is suffering from a sudden bout of cystitis. You try and relieve the pain and discomfort, whilst internally resigning yourself to a stressful day come morning time. You plan to take your child to the walk-in centre or try desperately to get a GP appt, only to then spend more time going to the pharmacy for a prescription. You may need to take the day off work to deal with your ill child or perhaps cancel plans with family or friends.

Instead of this, you could have the ‘blue’ kit at home and text me for advice. Your child may well be feeling better that night and hopefully all is well by morning.

Contact your local homeopath to find out more.