About Homeopathic Harmony

Your Holistic Homeopathic Practitioner in Croydon

Homeopathic Harmony is run by Neela Prabhu, who brings her homeopathy and herbal remedies to people in Croydon and surrounding areas. Here’s my story.

I’m passionate about helping you to heal with homeopathy and natural solutions. I’ve been a fully qualified and licenced homeopath for over 5 years and am registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths.

Pharmacy background

Prior to training as a homeopath, I was a pharmacist for almost 20 years, working in local community pharmacies. So, I have an excellent knowledge of conventional medicine, both prescribed and over the counter drugs. This means I know a lot about common ailments and other conditions and understand what your doctor is telling you.

I became a pharmacist because I wanted to help people get better. But I became frustrated with the lack of tools available in conventional medicine. Many patients would ask for other solutions to painful, chronic conditions. But, as pharmacists, we simply couldn’t help them without the inevitable side effects of their prescribed drugs.

My homeopathic patients appreciate the depth of my pharmacy knowledge and feel it adds gravitas to my skills. They also feel more at ease knowing I have both pharmacy and homeopathy training.

Discovering Homeopathy

As a mum to two young daughters, I know only too well the pressures of parenting, especially when your children are ill! You want something easy and quick to help them.

I discovered homeopathy when my eldest was suffering from eczema at just 14 months old. The steroid creams weren’t working but the homeopathy did – she has not suffered from eczema since! And I soon saw how easy it was to alleviate some of her other common childhood problems like colic and cradle cap.

My homeopath showed me how I could easily treat my family and my pets with homeopathy, and I’ve been doing so for over 12 years now. I have seen first-hand how quickly homeopathy can work for acute illnesses like fever, and also that it works very effectively for chronic, long-term diseases such as eczema.

Holistic Approach

Homeopathy is, in itself, a holistic therapy – it treats the individual as a whole and looks at the emotional and physical aspects behind their condition.

As part of my homeopathic course, I also studied the Chinese 5-element system, the chakra system and nutrition, to give me more tools in my holistic therapy box. Most recently I’ve trained as a Bach Flower Remedies Level 2 practitioner.

Fun Stuff

I absolutely love my job – as anyone who knows me will tell you! But when I’m not working or looking after my family, I can usually be found kickboxing. I took up the sport over 20 years ago and I absolutely love it – to the extent I have a punchbag in my garage!

I’m a purple belt and also a junior instructor at my local kickboxing club, helping young kids to learn. I help with all aspects of the class, including holding their pads, sparring with them and taking the exercise line.

One of my daughters has also taken an interest and is following in my footsteps. She is an blue belt currently.

As well as kickboxing, I love going to the gym for spin classes and Bodypump. And all this exercise means I don’t feel guilty occasionally indulging in my love of food!

Talking about mental health, IVF and homeopathy

Mental health issues affect at least one in four of us – including me. I am very open to talk about the problems I faced, and how I used homeopathy and other complementary therapies to help me overcome them.

I want to break down the stigma and show that you don’t have to rely on drugs to help you improve your mental health. Find out more about my IVF journey and post-natal depression in this blog I wrote.

If you would like me to talk about mental health to your group or be a guest on your podcast or video, please get in touch.

Where I’ve been featured

I’ve been doing a number of interviews, podcasts and blogs, so do check these out:

If you would like me to talk about homeopathy on your podcast or video, please get in touch.

The Business of Homeopathy - Neela Prabu - Wizmedia

Interview on WizMedia all about the business of homeopathy.

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Career Hub
Holistic Healing - with Homeopath Neela Prabhu

Interview about homeopathy with Feng Shui expert Kimberley Gallagher

PND article

Online interview about my PostNatal Depression journey.

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Self Belief school

Interview on Melanie Flower Boundaries coach about my business.

Neela talks about beauty

Neela talks about beauty in Croydon on LIVE TV!

king charles

Neela comments about the King Charles’ health and homeopathy

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Mayor of Bromley Podcast

Hannah Gray, Mayor of Bromley special – Wellbeing Podcast

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Alternative Medicine

Business Hero’s Show and blog about alternative therapies.

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Mayor of Bromley Podcast

Hannah Gray, Mayor of Bromley special – Wellbeing Podcast

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Alternative Medicine

Business Hero’s Show and blog about alternative therapies.

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Mayor of Bromley Podcast

Hannah Gray, Mayor of Bromley special – Wellbeing Podcast

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Alternative Medicine

Business Hero’s Show and blog about alternative therapies.

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Mayor of Bromley Podcast

Hannah Gray, Mayor of Bromley special – Wellbeing Podcast

Local Homeopath - Neela Prabu - Alternative Medicine

Business Hero’s Show and blog about alternative therapies.

Want to find out how homeopathy can help you?