Depression and PND
Mental health is quite the hot topic nowadays, and rightly so in my opinion.
1 in 5 adults in the UK will suffer from depression or mental health illness in their lifetime. Women are twice as likely to suffer than men. On average a depressive episode can last 6-8 months. PND or post-natal depression is something that is very close to my heart, as I have suffered twice. 30% of new mums suffer but 49% do not seek help. Half of these women thought the main cause was isolation. 22% had suicidal thoughts and 40% had experienced a traumatic birth.
Symptoms of depression are:
No motivation or interest in things, continuous low mood, sadness, feeling hopeless and helpless, feeling anxious or worried, very tearful, changes in appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbances, restlessness, digestive issues, difficulty concentrating.
Symptoms of PND often include many from the list above with some specifically for postpartum:
feeling like you can’t cope, not being able to enjoy anything, not being interested in your baby.
Conventional medicine very readily prescribes anti-depressant medication in the form of SSRIs such as fluoxetine or sertraline. Talking therapy such as counselling or CBT can also be recommended and helpful. However, NHS waiting lists are extremely long as demand outweighs the resources.
I have many resources in my Mental Health E-book, such as breathing techniques and EFT tapping. My top homeopathic remedies for depression are: Aurum met, Nat Mur and Sepia. My top remedies for PND are: Sepia, Cimic, and Anac.
Supplements if you are breastfeeding: Pregnacare breastfeeding tablets with omega-3
If you are NOT breastfeeding: good quality multivitamin and mineral, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, 400-600iu Vit E daily, Vit C 1gm daily, and Vit B6.
Placental encapsulation is highly recommended.
If you suffer with S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) then the Bach flower remedy Hornbeam can be very effective here.
Having a sense of connection with others in a community is very important. A spiritual connection which may not necessarily be religious can also be a comfort and an anchor during these times. E.g. Meditation, breathing exercises, moon journaling, gratitude diary etc.
Homeopathy was a great help to me during my second bout of PND. Winston Churchill who suffered from depression, famously called it his ‘black dog’. You don’t need to suffer or put on a brave face anymore. I’m always here to listen if you need my help.
Visit the Mental Health Charity MIND