Pregnancy Symptoms and Relief
“Bun in the oven”, “Up the duff”, “Growing a human” or just “Expecting a baby!”…
There are many ways to say you are pregnant! However, what should be a happy time period can often be ruined by Pregnancy Symptoms and minor health niggles.
Here are 5 common Pregnancy Symptoms and how to ease them naturally:
1. ‘Morning Sickness’
Morning sickness is extremely common with up to 80% of women suffering with this in the first trimester.
It can be exhausting and debilitating, especially at a time when you may not want to share your happy news! Eating little and often, especially in the morning when the nausea is generally worse. Also, it can really help to Chew on a fresh ginger slice can help, as can drinking ginger tea.
2. Cholestasis – Itchy skin with no rash!
Pregnancy hormones also affect bile flow, causing bile acids flow into the bloodstream.
A symptom of this can be itching at lower levels. At higher levels they can be dangerous for the baby, so should be monitored carefully by a midwife or GP. Because this can occur during the third trimester it can be very irritating!
Hands and feet are the most commonly affected areas. Keeping skin well moisturised, ensures that the itching is not coming from dry skin.
3. Piles
Haemorrhoids or Piles or are very common in pregnancy. They’re often caused by pregnancy hormones relaxing the tone of your rectal veins.
As a baby grows, it presses on your bowels and rectum. This means passing a stool is more difficult, and you may strain. The rectal veins are often pushed out, or purely due to the weight of the baby, placenta, etc. on this area!
Applying witch hazel solution to the affected area with a clean cloth can help to soothe the area and shrink the size of piles.
4. Heartburn and reflux
Heartburn and reflux are normally caused by a growing baby pushing on the stomach sphincter and causing heartburn. Some women really suffer with this and it can make eating or drinking anything a real misery.
Eating little and often can help, as can drinking milk.
5. Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (PSD)
PSD is a condition where an abnormal gap forms at the front of the pelvis. Because the joints become too loose, this causes extreme pain and discomfort, especially when walking around.
Using a pregnancy support belt can really help here. Also, sleeping with a pillow between your knees can ease the pain. Floating on your back in the swimming pool can also give some relief.
Pregnancy is a generally a joyful time. But suffering with these minor issues can really wipe the smile off your face! Homeopathy can help with ALL of these issues and more. It is 100% safe in all stages of pregnancy.
Want more? Check out my Pregnancy Tissue Salt Programme for yourself or a gift!
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