Haemorrhoid symptoms and treatment
Haemorrhoids or Piles are generally an embarrassing subject especially here in the UK. However, up to 80% of the population suffer at some point or another in their lives. 36% seek medical help for this painful and uncomfortable issue.
What are haemorrhoids?
Piles or haemorrhoids are swellings containing rectal veins. They can be found internally in the rectum or anus, or externally to the anus.
Symptoms include itching at the anus, lump in or around the anus, fresh blood on the toilet paper, itch sore skin around the anus, pain and discomfort after stooling.
If you have severe pain around the anus you may also have an anal fissure (crack/tear in the anal sphincter). This can happen due to excessive straining in this area, and can be present alongside haemorrhoids.
There are many causes of haemorrhoids:
- Straining or pushing whilst stooling due to constipation
- Pregnancy due to weight of baby, placenta and amniotic fluid on the perineum.
- Childbirth
- Lifting heavy objects e.g. squatting using weights, building work etc
- Long term diarrhoea e.g. Crohn’s disease
- Persistent cough
Conventional treatments:
- Resolving any constipation issues, and treatment with steroid creams or ointments.
- Suppositories are also used for internal haemorrhoids.
My treatment advice:
- Preventing and treating constipation. We should all be stooling at least once a day.
- Exercise regularly to help circulation and tone of all your veins
- Witch hazel solution applied neat to the area on a clean pad
- Homeopathic remedies to consider are Aesculus, Hamemalis, and Ratania
- Supplements : Fermented foods, omega 3, chia and flaxseeds, natural beta carotene, Vit B complex, Vit C, and zinc
If you suffer regularly or would like my help in resolving this issue, please do get in touch.