A Delicate Balance – Endocrine System Overview
Our endocrine (hormonal) system controls quite a few important bodily functions that we take for granted. This all happens efficiently when there is balance in the system, just like a world famous orchestra playing. It is no co-incidence that the Chakra points are directly linked to the endocrine glands and organs.
So who are the stars of the endocrine ‘orchestra’?
- Hypothalamus gland – ‘Master gland’ or conductor of the orchestra! It is responsible for our circadian (daily) rhythm, body temperature and energy levels.
- Pituitary gland – This produces 7 major hormones: FSH/ LH/ TSH/ human growth hormone/ prolactin/ endorphins/ adrenocorticotropic hormone.
- Pineal gland – It secretes melatonin and has the highest level of serotonin in the body. Melatonin is our sleepy hormone.
- Thyroid/ Parathyroid glands – These control our metabolism, ‘fullness’ levels and can be associated with chronic dry, itchy skin.
- Pancreas – This produces insulin which controls our blood sugar levels.
- Adrenals – These glands sit on top of the kidneys and release stress hormones, sex hormones and dopamine.
- Ovaries/ Testes/ Placenta – The sex hormones are released for the relevant gender by these organs. The placenta plays a role during pregnancy.
5 easy ways to take care of our endocrine systems:
- Exposure to natural daylight helps our pineal gland to make enough melatonin, which helps us sleep well.
- Spending time in nature, meditating or relaxing decreases stress and so puts less strain on the adrenal glands.
- Avoiding synthetic hormones (e.g. contraceptive pill, HRT, steroids, non-organic milk and meat) helps to keep our own natural hormones balanced.
- Switching to fluoride-free toothpaste helps the pineal gland to function correctly. Fluoride causes calcification of the pineal gland.
- If you had an unstable childhood, your nerve pathways are ‘wider’ for the stress hormones. Counselling with NLP techniques can help to re-train the brain and neural pathways where the endocrine messages flow.
Homeopathic remedies can also help with symptoms and re-balancing the ‘orchestra’!