Presenting condition: Dry cracked eczema on various locations around the body
Brief history: Cracked painful eczema on back of both hands, inside both elbows, back of neck, and a little around the mouth.
Relevant timeline incidents:
10yrs Was anxious to leave primary school to go to senior school, as she was scared of change and felt safe at primary school.
11yrs Parents split up, after arguments in the house for many months before. She left with her sister and mother to live at grandparents house. She felt extremely rejected and it was a massive change.
Main remedy given: Petroleum
After 1st prescription:
Hands got drier initially and other areas are the same as before. Bowels have improved and more efficient. Has had less vivid dreams and feels more refreshed in the morning. Menstrual cramp mix worked for period pain. Work is extremely stressful, so is applying for new jobs.
After 2nd prescription:
Hands have improved a lot! Smaller areas of eczema and a lot less red too. No cracking of skin this month. Her face is a lot better, and inner elbows too. Back of neck is red and weeping. Suggested a burn dressing to help as awkward area. Bowels all still good. Sleep still refreshing and pleasant dreams. No period pain! No PMT and less bloated. No chocolate cravings. Still applying for jobs but feeling calmer about staying in current job.
This lady came with deep cracked knuckles due to eczema on the back of her hands and this was painful. This has improved massively. Her periods, bowels and sleep have all got better too. This lady worked with me for 3 months but decided not to continue treatment at this time.