Gallbladder pain Case study
Presenting condition: Gallbladder feels inflamed with pain upon eating fatty foods
Brief history: Trapped cranial nerve 2yrs ago and step-daughter moved in.
Relevant timeline incidents:
34yrs Trapped cranial nerve which then progressed to several nerve symptoms like electric shocks, tongue and lip swelling and burning sensations down both arms. Was taking steroid tablets and sleeping tablets. Very low mood as GP didn’t believe her! Cranial osteopathy finally fixed this issue.
35yrs Step-daughter aged 19yrs moved in. Client has 2 young children herself with husband. Difficult relationship with step-daughter. Client can’t relax in her own home.
36yrs Severe pain and bloated abdomen. GP checked kidneys but then had another excruciatingly painful episode. Pain was more localised to gallbladder this time.
Main remedy given: Staphasagria
After 1st prescription:
Has tinnitus/dizziness – forgot to mention at previous appointment. Started during last few weeks of her 2nd pregnancy. Had a lot of fear during this pregnancy, as had birth trauma for 1st pregnancy.
Gallbladder pain has gone! ‘It’s been like magic!’. She had a rich curry which would normally have set off her gallbladder pain, but it didn’t. Anxiety and brain fog have increased this month.
After 2nd prescription:
Only had 1 mini-episode of dizziness this month. Tinnitus still there. Gallbladder has remained really good! Eyes have been sore and red, with swollen lids for 1 week. (Eyes are the opening to the Liver/Gallbladder energy). Had a tricky week with step-daughter. Anxiety/brain fog better after taking recommended Vit B complex supplement.
After 3rd prescription:
‘My priority was gallbladder issues. I’m now three months in and haven’t had any flare ups! Neela was so quick at answering any questions.’
This was the review left by this client at the end of her 3months with me.
I believe that the maintaining cause for this client’s gallbladder issues was her step-daughter living with her. There was a lot of anger/resentment as well as ‘gall’. As in, ‘how could she have the gall to do this?’. This living situation was literally making my client ill. Having had a discussion with her husband, he has asked the 21yr old step-daughter to move out in the next 6 months. I think this will be best for all involved, especially for my client’s health continued good health.