Conjunctivitis and common eye infections
Minor eye infections are extremely common but can really be painful and irritating especially for children.
Conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection of the outer layer of the eye (conjunctiva). Symptoms include a thick yellow discharge from the inner corners of the eyes, a gritty sensation on the eyeball, redness, and itchy eyes. The eyelids can often be stuck together with mucus first thing in the morning. Clear discharge is an indication of viral conjunctivitis.
Children will often rub the affected eye and then rub the other eye thus transferring the infection.
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid edge which becomes red, inflamed and irritated. Symptoms include a gritty feeling in the eyes, as well as flakes/crusts around the roots of the eyelashes
A Stye is a small red painful lump on the edge of the eyelid. This is often caused by a minor infection of the eyelash hair follicle.
Chalazions are small lumps or cysts on the eyelid itself. They are not painful but can be red and unsightly. They can be caused by hardened oils blocking the meibomian gland.
Conventional medical treatments are limited to antibiotic drops/ointment but this must now be purchased in the pharmacy as of May 2022. The NHS announced that GP appointments would not be available for 35 common minor ailments *link to my link here*.
Homeopathic remedies I would recommend are Pulsatilla for the thick bland yellow/green discharge and a slightly clingy child. Apis is good for swollen puffy eyelids which are oedematous.
Non-drug measures include:
- Well diluted solution of honey and water (freshly boiled and cooled) to be dropped carefully into the eye. Honey is antibacterial and antiviral
- If the child is being breastfed, you can drop breastmilk into the eye for the same reason as above
- Using a hot clean flannel to hold against the stye to draw the pus to the surface can help. Silica or Hepar sulph homeopathic remedies also help to do the same.
Iridology is a branch of CAM that covers reading your irises to tell you what illnesses you are suffering from or what you might be susceptible to. Fascinating stuff! *image* In Chinese medicine, the opening to the Liver *link to blog* energy is the eyes. They indicate our foresight and making plans. We can also see the emotion of the liver (anger and resentment) in our language here. E.G. You give someone a ‘dirty look’ or the ‘evil eye’.
Are you suffering frequently with eye infections? What is your body REALLY trying to tell you? If you’d like my help with this please do get in touch with me.