No appetite for almost 1yr.
Not hungry therefore lost 6st in weight.
Presenting condition:
For 8-12months, female in late 60s lost her appetite. As a result she has lost 6st in weight.
Brief history:
Her son was diagnosed with brain cancer for the 2nd time. She was able to eat small amounts but got full very quickly. She felt very gassy and bloated. She felt full from seeing or smelling food.
Current medication:
Mirtazapine, Amitriptyline, Atorvastatin, Lisinopril, Lercadapine, and Pantoprazole.
Other relevant factors:
She is still able to work very hard at her job which involves a lot of physical lifting and driving. She does have aches and pains over the whole body. She does everything for everyone else and puts her needs last.
Main remedies: Shock combo of Arnica and Aconite, with Arsen alb for the appetite issues.
After 1st prescription:
Not much change. Added on a custom Bach flower Blend.
After 2nd prescription:
Appetite slightly increased. Felt hungry and satisfied after eating. Looks happier and ‘spark’ back in her face. Decreased pantoprazole dose by 75%, then stopped it. Joint pains and body aches still there. Night-time dry cough remedy working well, so is able to sleep better. Re-enforced directions for remedies.
After 3rd prescription:
Generally feeling much better. Enjoyed last night’s dinner, and breakfast this morning. Finished both. Was eating 2-3 days / month now eating 10 days /month. Gained 1kg in last 3 months. Lump sensation in throat still there (globus hystericus)
After 4th prescription:
Maintained weight and didn’t lose any further weight. Joint pain better for hot shower. Not much else has changed.
After 5th prescription:
Eating everyday and enjoying food. Maintained a steady weight. Added daily bladder support remedy for urine issues.
After 6th prescription:
Eating everyday and feeling hungry. ‘Your medicine worked like a miracle!’ Now eating 3 times a day (previously only once daily). Maintained a steady weight. Nocturnal cough is less frequent. Bowel better and not dependant on laxative. Going daily with no pain and only taking laxative weekly if needed. Previously this was twice daily. Heel and sole pain still there but much better. Urine issues remain.
After 7th prescription:
Kidney infection and operation to remove kidney stone. Feeling hungry and eating little and often. Lump sensation in throat now only felt 1-2/week. Previously was daily.
After 8th prescription:
Bowels still daily, no pain and feeling of completion after emptying. Not waking at night to urinate so sleeping better. Heel and sole pain gone. Resting after the operation helped to decrease her body aches.
Appetite issues have been improved but the other issues like the body aches and urine issues are chronic so will take much longer to heal. She decided to stop treatment as the kidney operation helped so much and her appetite is back to normal.